Several weeks ago, after getting a GPF for the nth time, I'd had it. Most of the time, whenever I displayed a PDF document within Internet Explorer and then closed the window, IE would hang. And not gracefully. I wouldn't be able to cancel the task; I'd have to hard boot; and then Windows would scold me for not shutting the system down correctly and scan all my drives before coming up.
So -- I installed Mozilla Firefox. Over the past several months, I've noticed its usage zoom up to about 6% on my site. And, I have to tell you, it's a nice browser. It's zippier than IE, doesn't hang, and does a nice job of importing IE Favorites.
Since I run a Web site, it's also interesting to note that it's stricter than IE in terms of HTML syntax. Portions of my site that looked fine in IE looked kinda funky in Firefox. First, of all, Firefox wouldn't recognize my Cascading Style Sheet. Turns out that Firefox wants the brackets on the same line as the command. Once I fixed that, Firefox did fine. Also, Firefox would doublespace a bulleted list if I had "palign" embedded in the HTML, whereas IE would singlespace it.
I still have to keep IE around, as some utilities and sites only work with Internet Explorer, but Firefox is now my default browser (at least until they make it big and fat and slow like IE).