On Monday Konfabulator was purchased by Yahoo! As I noted in my June 16th post, Konfabulator is a pretty neat widget thing that brings information (weather forecasts, Web cam views, TV schedules, time...) and controls (battery usage indicator, CPU usage indicator, volume...) to the desktop.
From an industry analyst point-of-view, the significance of the announcement is that Yahoo! gets it. For a long time, both consumers and the industry have thought of content as paper-based. (After all, we do call it a Web "page.") Reading a book has long been treated as a separate activity from working at a desk. Put another way, we have a long history of thinking that searching for and reading information is a separate activity from thinking and acting.
However, because systems can watch what we're doing, they can understand the context of the activity and supply the necessary information. This is the paradigm shift from information as a static page to information as a dynamic service.
Konfabulator will help Yahoo! distribute snippets of its content to people where and when they need it. It will make the consumption of Yahoo! content more pervasive, especially among those people who can't be bothered to go to the Yahoo! portal. In short, (1) Yahoo! gets it, and (2) they were smart enought to snap up Konfabulator before Google or Microsoft.