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Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Tom Culler

What about Endeca in the faceted navigation/BI search space?

Guy Creese

Yes, Endeca is certainly a player, but I would view them as a specialty player, not as a broad horizontal solution. Endeca is very good when you have a high metadata/content ratio, because that's how you can can filter results (by cost, color, weight, mutual fund type--it depends on the application). However, Endeca becomes less successful when the metadata/content ratio is low. While I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft looked at Endeca, I think they made the right choice in that FAST is applicable to many more search scenarios.


You don't mention Vivisimo in this list either -- any thoughts on how they fit into this?


Your comment about the third tier is right on track. FAST has superb core technology that can be manipulated and tune to a broad variety of needs. Microsoft is a mature company and it should be relatively easy for it to polish out the product and integrate it into already existing offerings.

I would disagree with you (and Forbes) on the meltdown. If you track the company's growth over the last several years, you will see that it was time to trim some fat.

The real question is: What will Microsoft do with the product. Will they can Linux support? What about SDAs written in Java? And what about the existing accounts that rely on the technologies that may become extinct?

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