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Monday, October 19, 2009


Bjørn Furuknap


You can read more about the document sets on http://furuknap.blogspot.com/2009/09/document-sets-in-sharepoint-2010.html



See some more information on Taxonomy Services in SharePoint 2010 @ http://manish-sharepoint.blogspot.com/2009/10/taxonomy-services-and-managed-metadata.html


One great change SSP is removed.. Service Applications are introduced instead of SSP's. Find more details here http://weblogs.asp.net/soever/archive/2009/10/20/sharepoint-2010-spc09-ssp-is-dead-long-live-service-applications.aspx

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Hi friend. I love your blog about "What’s New in SharePoint 2010" the subject is presented in a clear and complete. This info is very useful for my university work I'm doing. thanks again


Bjørn Furuknap - I tried going to your link, I see the page for a second and then the screen goest white.

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Microsoft is definitely starting to wake up and become much more friendly to their users, a long of time those tools were not easy for use, I'm glad they're improving.

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Hey, you have a great blog here! With good writing and Nice writing style, Keep up the good work. Nice for share this What’s New in SharePoint 2010 article.

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