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Friday, April 18, 2008


Tony Zuanich

There is a bigger picture in play right now that many people may not see. Simply follow the money of where and why the large software companies have made money for the last 3 decades. SaaS has forced many "incumbents" to take a hard look into the future. What is clear, is they have all come away knowing if we don’t move to the improved economic model of SaaS for the consumer, someone else will and un-ravel the licensed software revenue of the past. Let the race begin ladies and gentlemen! The money has been made in large business applications, and there is no reason why these applications can’t be SaaS other than lack of vision, or arrogance.

The fight will play out as Oracle, SAP, IBM, MS, and Google proliferate their SaaS models. Then, adding functionality will become the chess game of acquiring smaller SaaS businesses. The next 5 years should see an interesting time of M&A activity. Place your bets on the best business applications that solve real problems, and the guys with the most money. As for the IT department, get with a SaaS or end up in phone support.

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There's an interesting gendering to that commercial, too. Men as soldiers, women as child care providers or as children. The latter is where the game language comes in. Will Clinton's strategy develop this further, feminizing people allegedly harmed by computer games?

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